How Much Does a Small Concrete Plant Cost

  With global developing trend new cities are springing up, and in many places the countryside has large demand for small concrete plant, too. Many people want to invest in a small concrete plant to get profit in local building trends. Small plants cost much less than large ones yet bring decent money. Besides, most governments have fewer paper procedures for small plants than large scale plants, which makes the former very popular in the countryside where the building scales is relatively smaller. Then how much does a small plant cost?
Small Concrete Plant

  Small concrete plants include types of HZS25, HZS35 and HZS50. The productivity is respectively 25 cubic meters, 35 cubic meters and 50 cubic meters per hour. Generally speaking you have to prepare a budget from 90,000 to 200, 000RMB to buy such a plant. The price proves to be low because you have much freedom in site choosing in the countryside and other costs like manual work and delivery for aggregates, sand and cement are also lower than those in cities. Normally you can decide what type of plants to choose first in accordance with your real purpose for buying the plant. If you buy it for a singular construction project, just figure out how much concrete you need and how long the project will take. The you can pick among plants of targeted productivity (please refer to How to Choose Suitable Concrete Batching Plants for details). If you want to sell finished concrete to nearby building projects, however, you should first make a market investigation. Get clear how much concrete the market needs and the amount you will be able to sell. To guarantee flexibility of productivity, you can have two or more small concrete plants of the same or different treating capacities so that you can decide to have one, two or more working at the same of in accordance with market demand.